About Us
Nepal Institute of Theological Studies
NIT Studies (Nepal Institute of Theological Studies) under Khirist Mahima Mandali which was registered with the Government of Nepal in 2009, has been founded by the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit through Rev. Dr. Nariram Luhar 'Binod'. KMM is a pure CP and Leadership development organization in Nepal and North India.

What is the urgency?
First of all in today’s 21st century people who are doing ministry don’t have time to do bible college because God called them for ministry work. But somewhere inside their hearts there is a vacuum to do bible college. But they can’t do it. They want to win more souls. Plus they can’t go to bible college due to high fees.
As time went by, the Lord’s Spirit inspired me to start courses for Lay leaders and Pastors who are doing full time ministry, to equip Pastors, leaders and Decons by giving this biblical course to train them into more Christ like and Christ Centered Leaders. We will gather them five times a year in their respective fields, teach, assist and mentor them to complete the biblical course which they have enrolled in band. And they will get more confidence to reach more people after they have graduated from NIT Studies.